CrushLock provides the most vibration resistant nut fasteners on earth. By creating internal compression, CrushLocks nut replaces any permanent nut fastener including weld nuts. Performing at similar levels as weld nut fasteners the CrushLock nut fastener does not require the additional work of welding.
CrushLocks Articles
CrushLock Cure for Nut Dilation
From the skyscrapers making up our largest cities, to the trains and cars we travel millions of combined miles in. Millions of lives rely on the strength and vibration resistance of nut fasteners every single day, even without knowing it. Ranging in several grades, designs, and purposes; they have all run into the problem of “nut dilation”.
Nut Dilation results from the maximum torqueing of the nut during installation. Under the high stress load, the wedging action of the threads results in an increase of the minor diameter of the nut, essentially reducing the effective shear areas of both the external and internal threads. This leads over time to the loosening and eventually failure of the nut and bolt, expedited by increased vibration.
CrushLocks newly patented vibration resistant nut has been found to eliminate the forces causing nut dilation. The design of the nut converts the traditional friction forces from the wedging action into permanent internal compression and redirecting the lateral forces upwards. Insuring that all Crushlock Nut threads are intact with minimal thread stress, and maximum thread strength.
Junker and several other tests have shown the Crushlock Nut performing far above the competition, even exceeding all the DIN 25201 vibration standards by over 300%. To handle such great forces the Crushlock Nut is designed to be permanent.
Keeping its pressure even after being cut into four, removing a Crushlock Nut is essentially destroying it. This is the strength and vibration resistance needed to maintain the continued safety of those millions of lives.
Written By:
Thomas Karins

Why Use Weld Nuts?
The necessity to find nuts, bolts, and screws that beat the forces of friction is the ever-elusive holy grail of fasteners. Buildings grow taller, trains move faster, and automobiles have higher safety and strength requirements to handle the new level of forces were encountering now.
Costing companies millions of dollars a year, the solution to excessive maintenance on loosening nuts wasn’t recognized till the early 1900’s. This continuing drive to produce products retaining greater torque and longevity led to the development of weld nuts and screws. Weld nuts and screws date back to 1926, where they were even used in Fords’ Model A.
Weld nuts created the consensus that the quest for the solution of nut dilation was over. This was only partially true.
Weld nuts solved the issue of constant maintenance on loosening nuts, but created several other concerning issues. When using weld nuts, you turn a typical and easy instillation into a much more complicated and time consuming process, significantly increasing installation costs. With the weld nut came the need for skilled and often highly paid workers.
Heat generated from the welding process may also reduce the strength of the metals being joined, defeating the intended purpose of higher torsion joints. The strength is determined by the quality of welds and the materials welded together, further stressing the need for skilled workers. When combining the costs of fixing mistakes, the additional variables with installation, and the apparent safety risks, weld nuts are far from the perfect solution.
CrushLockTM nut is the answer for those looking for the performance of a weld nut without the additional difficulty, costs, and variables of installation. Providing a permanent, vibration proof nut fastener, the CrushLock nut replaces weld nuts in most real-world applications.
The CrushLock patented design revolutionizes the installation and application of permanent vibration proof fasteners. By converting the friction forces in the nut to permanent internal compression. The CrushLock design cancels out all nut dilation. Removing the need for welding results in a large cost decrease for installation and eliminates the loss of strength due to heat.
CrushLock, Inc. is revolutionizing the fastener industry with its patented vibration resistant nut fastener for permanent nut applications. Not for use on every application the CrushLock nut is paving the way, replacing the commonly used weld nuts in the oil, automotive, transportation, and utility industries.
Written By:
Thomas Karins

CrushlockTM Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use the CrushlockTM nut with any bolt?
Standard steel bolts work with the CrushlockTM nut. If additional bolt strength is required, the CrushlockTM bolt should be used.
Why do you recommend lubricating the nut and bolt threads?
CrushlockTM nuts lock by pressure, not contact friction. The application of oil reduces friction during installation, making it easier to achieve the specified torque value, which results in a high-pressure, fully locked joint with material strength vibration resistance.
What happens if I install the nut backwards?
If installed backwards, the CrushlockTM nut is designed to function as a reusable ordinary nut, without vibration resistance, and will not be permanent.
What is the best way to fasten the nut?
Always use a suitable torque wrench when installing a CrushlockTM nut. The CrushlockTM nut must be installed to the specified torque value to achieve the full locking pressure and vibration resistance.
What happens if the nut is not torqued to its optimum value?
If installed with insufficient torque the CrushlockTM nut will not become fully engaged and will not exhibit full vibration resistance. The CrushlockTM nut must be installed to the specified torque value in order to achieve full lock and vibration resistance.
Can I over-tighten the nut?
Yes you can. Do not over-tighten, as this may cause the threads to strip, which may result in failure of joint pressure, locking and vibration resistance.
Is the nut reusable?
When installed correctly to a full locking position, the CrushlockTM nut is removable but not reusable; it can be removed with counter-clockwise rotation, just like a conventional nut, but each rotation will require the application of sufficient torque, such that the nut is “forced off”. The threads on the nut and bolt will be stripped and both nut and bolt are considered destroyed and must not be reused.
Will the nut work for any application?
Every application is different - therefore it is necessary for the user to perform specific testing to determine if theCrushlockTM nut is appropriate for the intended application.